San Francisco and Marin CA
Snoring can keep your partner or significant other awake at night. If you truly understood the potential ramifications of snoring, you might have some sleepless nights yourself. Today on the blog, your sleep apnea dentist in San Francisco takes a deeper look at the risks of snoring.
Snoring and sleep apnea go hand in hand
The symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea can vary widely, Daytime fatigue, irritability, restless sleeping, and a decrease in libido are common behaviors. Meanwhile, in children, the symptoms of sleep apnea mimic those of ADD or ADHD. However, the most consistent sign of the disorder among all sleep apnea patients is loud snoring.
Why does this occur? In a sleep apnea patient, the airway becomes obstructed temporarily while he or she sleeps. These obstructions can be partial or complete, interrupting breathing and disrupting the sleep cycle. Every time one of these obstructions occur, the body and brain react as if they are choking to death, rousing the body from sleep and disrupting the sleep cycle. A patient with a severe case of sleep apnea can experience hundreds of these episodes in a single night.
Sleep apnea is most common in patients over the age of 50 years old, is more prevalent among men than women and being overweight increases your risk of developing the disorder. However, sleep apnea can occur in patients of all shapes and sizes and of any age—even children.
Treating sleep apnea requires addressing the root issue
Without addressing whatever is causing the airway obstruction, sleep apnea will not be resolved.
Structural abnormalities could be the culprit, with potential causes including:
- A larger-than-normal neck
- A nasal obstruction
- A narrow airway
- Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
- A low-hanging soft palate
- An overbite
Airway blockages also can take place because of issues with the resting posture of the jaw and tongue, making the diaphragm and chest muscles work harder and obstructing the airway.
The dangers of sleep apnea go far beyond just lost sleep
The longer a patient lives with sleep apnea, their risk factor for other health problems increases. Many of these problems are chronic, systemic, and even life-threatening, such as cardiac disease, cognitive decline, stroke, and depression. Sleep apnea may even increase your risk of cancer; recent studies have found that sleep apnea patients were almost 70 percent more likely to develop cancer and that sleep apnea patients who did get cancer also had a higher morbidity rate.
Sleep apnea treatment in the Bay Area
Not all snorers have sleep apnea but if you do have sleep apnea, there is a very high likelihood that you snore. Glen Park Dental specializes in sleep apnea dentistry and treats the disorder through airway management, most often achieved through a course of oral appliance therapy. A simple airway evaluation can identify any issues that may be causing an obstruction. If signs of a sleep breathing disorder are identified, you will be referred to a qualified sleep specialist for an official diagnosis, after which you can return to our office in San Francisco for treatment.
Put the risks of snoring behind you. Seek a screening for possible sleep apnea by scheduling your consultation at Glen Park Dental today. For more, call (415) 585-1500 to reach our San Francisco office.