San Francisco and Marin CA
Ever hear the old saying that you are what you eat? This applies to your overall health but also your dental health – and it is not just what you eat but also what you drink. Your food and beverage choices can make a major impact on your oral condition and wellness. We talked recently about foods that can benefit your dental health. However, today on the blog, your San Francisco family dentist at Glen Park Dental takes a look at four foods and drinks that can be hazardous to your dental health.
Packaged foods
As a general rule, you should opt for more fresh foods and less processed foods in your diet. Packaged, processed foods tend to have higher calorie counts and less nutritional density, meaning that you get hungry sooner. A sweet, packaged snack poses additional dental risks, as the sugars can adhere to the surfaces of your teeth, and become fuel for the bacteria and plaque that cause cavities.
Starchy snacks
What do chips, pretzels and crackers have in common? They are all popular snacks and all hazardous to your dental health. The bacteria in your mouth break down these starches the same way they would cookies or candy. While these starches break down, acid is secreted onto the surfaces of your teeth, wearing away at your enamel – the protective outer layer of your tooth structure.
Carbonated water
Available in an increasing number of flavors, carbonated water has become a popular alternative to soft drinks. Although sodas are still quite bad for your dental health because of the sugar content, carbonated water also has risks because any carbonation process creates high levels of acid that can eat away at your tooth enamel, making your teeth vulnerable to injuries or decay.
Alcoholic beverages
You already know that drinking alcohol in excess can be bad for your health. Alcohol consumption also has a negative impact on your dental health. First off, alcohol dehydrates your body and your mouth. This diminished saliva protection can elevate your risk of issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Furthermore, the sugars present in many alcoholic beverages encourage the spread and development of the bad oral bacteria in your mouth.
Foods and drinks to choose
Opt for fresh, crunchy produce. This is nutritionally dense, full of vitamins and the crunching encourages additional production of saliva, which serves as a natural lubricant to wash away sugars and bacteria from your teeth. If you have a sweet tooth, try replacing those packages of cookies or candy with fresh fruit, or, for some protein, pair it with cottage cheese or a sugar-free yogurt. Uncarbonated water remains your best beverage choice; it is calorie- and sugar-free and the best possible source of hydration. And, if you do drink alcohol, please do so in moderation and consider drinking water at the same time to stave off dehydration or dry mouth.
Nutritional advice from your Bay Area dentist
Looking for advice about the best nutritional choices as it pertains to your dental health? The team at Glen Park Dental can help. Your regularly scheduled dental checkup is a great opportunity to ask questions about this or other concerns that you may have. Make an appointment today by calling (415) 585-1500 or contacting us online.